TEL : 82-31-781-4900
FAX : 83-31-781-4901
A-102, 150, Yatap, Pundang,
Sungnam, Kyonggi,
463-070 Rep. Korea


U.S.A : # 5,531,124
Japan : # 2676321
Korea : # 110625
Germany : # 4430223

Award from the Minister of Commerce and Industry of Korea, 1997
Certificate of New Technology (NT), 1998
Award from the President of Korea, 1998

1. Description

High precision flow meter that substantially improved measurement accuracy using multi-path method and wetted type method

2. Measurement Principle

This meter uses multi-path ultrasonic waves to measure the mean value of velocities of the fluid lines on the cross section area of the fluid and calculates the flow volume without a coefficient by applying a double integral formula to the velocity distribution and the area distribution. This method minimizes measurement errors due to the complicated velocity distribution near elbows and valves

3. Features and Applications

a. High accuracy measurement technology
Reynolds number and friction coefficient have no effect. No errors occur due to the pipe's properties such as its radius, pipes thickness, lining scale and signal sensing time.

b. High accuracy with the short straight pipe and slow flow velocity

c. With large measurement range (max/min flow)
Measurement based on the measured value (MV), not the full scale deflection (FSD), nullifies the effect of flow range.

d. Installation without stopping flow
Ultrasonic transducers directly mounted into the existing pipe without stopping the fluid flow. This installation method is excellent for the large diameter pipes with its low cost and convenience. Also It can achieve higher accuracy.

e. On-site calibration test (Dry Calibration Method)
Domestic and overseas patent rights were acquired and certified by the Korea Standard Scientific Research Center for this feature.

f. Applications
Tap water, sewage, industrial water, sea water, petroleum, waste water, beverage, processing water, and coolant and cold water circulation for chemical and still manufacturing plants.

g. Warranty
One year full labor and parts.

h. Price
Very competitive